Upload image Imaging Uploading and Cropping Choose an image from your computer (JPG , GIF or PNG files) Browse or drag and drop the image to the first box on the left A preview of your cropped image will appear on the right Adjust the cropping by repositioning the crop area within the first box When you are done making adjustments, click “Done” and wait for the cropped image to upload to the server A message will appear when the image is saved Choose an image from your computer (JPG , GIF or PNG files) Browse or drag and drop the image to the first box on the left A preview of your cropped image will appear on the right Adjust the cropping by repositioning the crop area within the first box When you are done making adjustments, click “Done” and wait for the cropped image to upload to the server A message will appear when the image is saved 0 Browse Drag and drop image to area above or browse for your image Click and drag inside the image to crop Preview your cropped image Your image has been successfully cropped and saved Done Cancel
Stifel Financial 775 Ridge Lake Blvd #200, Memphis, TN UNITED STATES, 38120-9403 Phone (800)829-0321 Fax (901)766-3291