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Kasasa ICBA Preferred Service Provider
6504 Bridge Point Pkwy Ste 500 Austin TX 78730-5127 UNITED STATES
+1 512.349.4323 +1 512.795.9488
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Kasasa® is a branded relationship platform made up of innovative products, technology, marketing and websites that attract a younger, more transactional and profitable customer to the community bank.


Community banks implementing Kasasa realizes an average 50% lift in account acquisition and a 45% average increase in non-interest income compared to standard free checking accounts.  Additionally, 94% of Kasasa account holders use the bank as their primary banking relationship and double the length of the relationship from 4 to 8 years.


Coronavirus Update

Obviously, having a great website and Online Account Opening is critical in a time when consumers can’t get access to branches… so we are going to make it even easier for those that aren’t already partnered with us to get access to the best solutions available in the market.  For Banks that purchase our Website solution (First Branch) and/or our On-Line Account Opening solution (INMO+) between now and 6/1/20, we will waive their monthly licensing on those products until 2021.

Searches for “personal loan refinance” and “auto refinance” are sky-rocketing online, so we want to make it even easier for Kasasa Loan Clients & Prospects… both to get new customers, as well as to hold on to their existing customers that may be shopping elsewhere. For new Kasasa Loan Banks – we are deferring setup fees and monthly licensing fees until Jan 2021 and will also waive per-loan servicing fees for existing loans that are refinanced into Kasasa Loans. For our existing Kasasa Loan Banks we are providing them a special refinance offer. 


Program Features

Kasasa drives profit and growth in key stages of a consumer’s relationship:
Kasasa Cash®: Fund low-cost core deposits and acquire new, high-value accounts
Kasasa Cash Back®: Increase non-interest income and grow account holder base
Kasasa Tunes®: Attracts younger account holders and achieves differentiation
Kasasa Saver®: Lower funding costs and increase share of wallet
In-Branch selling technology (Builder™): Guides consumers through the account opening process and facilitates the cross-selling conversation


ICBA Member Advantages

  • Discounted setup and monthly fees
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Solutions Snapshot

Deposit growth

Real growth means low-cost deposits that last. Community financial institutions experience phantom growth in several different ways, including high Cost Of Funds that eats up every penny of margin, an influx of CD customers who leave for a higher rate when the term ends, and consumers who sign up for new accounts only to leave when fintechs offer more. Move past phantom growth and drive real growth with a fresh approach.

Loan volume

Create deeper, more profitable borrower relationships. Nearly half of Americans have are willing to have more than one banking relationship.1 Consumers will pay off a loan at one institution with deposit dollars held by another. By adding the award-winning Take-Back® feature to your loans, you can engage borrowers in a new way, building deeper relationships and reducing risk – including driving profitable, long-lasting deposit growth.

Younger consumers

Drive deposits from younger, more profitable consumers. Millennials and Gen Z are more likely to bank with multiple financial organizations — including big tech and neobanks.1 They want accounts with low fees and cash rewards that can be opened on mobile devices. There’s a proven way to protect your margins, become their primary institution, and win their loyalty for life. 

Online engagement

Have more people visit your website and open accounts. The key to a successful go-to-market plan is building the perfect offer and reaching consumers where they are — more and more that means a strong digital presence. It starts with an engaging website, easy account opening, and multi-channel marketing – backed by dedicated support. 

Awards & Accolades
Industry Awards
Exclusive to ICBA Members

Client Service

Business Intelligence Group - Excellence in Customer Service



MUSE Creative Awards - Kasasa's Best Day/Weekend Ever - 5 Gold, 1 Silver



Fast Company - 2022 World Changing Ideas Awards

Functional Area
Marketing & Sales
Solutions for my Bank
Consulting & Strategy
Marketing Strategy & Consulting
Customer Experience
Web Site Development & Hosting
Risk Management
Service Area Nationwide
ICBA Member Years 16